A collection of notes

AlcaWASM Challenge Writeup - Pwning an In-Browser Lua Interpreter

Gamedevs of the world, unite! Your favourite language is in danger -- the l33t wrongdoers have figured out how to BYOB (Bring Your Own Bytecode) and pwn the Lua v5.4 interpreter!
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Element Android CVE-2024-26131, CVE-2024-26132 - Never Take Intents From Strangers

Wild trips with intent redirections to compromise an end-to-end encrypted messaging chat.
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Hunting for (Un?)authenticated n-days in Asus Routers

Firmware analysis, reverse engineering and binary exploitation shenanigans on Asus routers.
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CVE-2023-33466 - Exploiting Healthcare Servers with Polyglot Files

N-day exploit for Orthanc. Now featuring polyglot files!
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